Know more about
our company

  • Your service provider for authorized representatives
  • A company of the e-systems Group

About get-e-right

Due to the latest legal developments in Austria and the associated needs of our customers, we as the e-systems Group made the decision to further expand our service in 2022. With the foundation of get-e-right Austria GmbH in 2023, we will continue to ensure legally compliant sales for our international sellers in Austria.

The e-systems Group bundles the expertise of six specialised companies around the topics of Extended Producer Responsibility and Product Compliance.

Contact get-e-right if you would like information on our individual service offerings or need assistance. The get-e-right team can advise you in over 10 languages and will be happy to help.

Free Advise and Consulting

You can reach us from Monday to Thursday between 8 am and 6 pm and on Friday between 8 am and 5 pm. Just give us a call!